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How it works


There are two fundamental ways to engage Gruntwork:

  1. Gruntwork builds your architecture. We generate the Reference Architecture based on your needs, deploy into your AWS accounts, and give you 100% of the code. Since you have all the code, you can extend, enhance, and customize the environment exactly according to your needs. The deploy process takes about one day.
  2. Build it yourself. The Gruntwork IaC library empowers you to construct your own bespoke architecture in record time. By mix-and-matching our modules and services you can quickly define a custom architecture to suit your needs, all with the confidence of having world-class, battle-tested code running under the hood.

What we provide

The Gruntwork product suite is designed to help you implement a world-class DevOps setup. It includes a combination of products, services, and support.

Gruntwork IaC Library

A battle-tested, production-grade catalog of infrastructure code that contains the core "building blocks" of infrastructure. It includes everything you’ll need to set up:

  • A Multi-account structure
  • An infrastructure CI/CD Pipeline
  • Networking and VPCs
  • App orchestration — ECS, EC2, Kubernetes, and more
  • Data storage — Aurora, Elasticache, RDS, and more
  • Best-practice security baselines
  • and more…

Gruntwork Compliance

An optional catalog extension that contains building blocks that implement various compliance standards. Today we support CIS compliance; SOC 2 is coming soon, and we plan on adding additional standards in the future.


Gruntwork offers basic and paid support options:

What you provide

Gruntwork products and services can help you quickly achieve world-class infrastructure. However, we aren’t a consulting company. To succeed, you (or your trusted DevOps consultant/contractor) must commit to learning how to leverage our products for your use cases, making any additional customizations, and deploying or migrating your apps and services.

Learn how to use our products

To work effectively with our products, you’ll need to understand our opinionated stance on DevOps best practices and how to apply it for your purposes. You'll also need to learn how to use the Gruntwork products themselves. Our guides and support remain available to assist you in these endeavors.

Implement the “last mile”

Gruntwork products strike a balance between opinionatedness and configurability. They’ll get you most of the way to your goal, but you may need to make some customizations to suit your use case. You may also need to adapt your apps and services to run in your new infrastructure. Our Knowledge Base and Community Slack Channel provide great resources to assist you in this effort.