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Gruntwork Service Catalog Overview

The Gruntwork Service Catalog consists of a number of reusable, customizable, battle-tested, production-grade infrastructure-as-code services that you can use to deploy and manage your infrastructure, including Docker orchestration, EC2 orchestration, load balancing, networking, databases, caches, monitoring, alerting, CI/CD, secrets management, VPN, and much more.

  1. Service Catalog Terminology
  2. The tools used in the Service Catalog
  3. How to navigate the Service Catalog
  4. Maintenance and versioning

Service Catalog Terminology

  • Module: Reusable code to deploy and manage one piece of infrastructure. Modules are fairly generic building blocks, so you don't typically deploy a single module directly, but rather, you write code that combines the modules you need for a specific use case. For example, one module might deploy the control plane for Kubernetes and a separate module could deploy worker nodes; you may need to combine both modules together to deploy a Kubernetes cluster. The Gruntwork Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Library contains hundreds of battle-tested, commercially supported and maintained modules that you can use and combine in many different ways.

  • Service: Reusable code that combines multiple modules to configure a service for a specific use case. Services are designed for specific use cases and meant to be deployed directly. For example, the eks-cluster service combines all the modules you need to run an EKS (Kubernetes) cluster in a typical production environment, including modules for the control plane, worker nodes, secrets management, log aggregation, alerting, and so on. The Gruntwork Service Catalog is a collection of battle-tested, commercially supported and maintained services that you can use to deploy production-grade infrastructure in minutes.

The tools used in the Service Catalog

The Gruntwork Service Catalog is designed to be deployed using the following tools:

  1. Terraform. Used to define and manage most of the basic infrastructure, such as servers, databases, load balancers, and networking. The Gruntwork Service Catalog is compatible with vanilla Terraform, Terragrunt, Terraform Cloud, and Terraform Enterprise.

  2. Packer. Used to define and manage machine images (e.g., VM images). The main use case is to package code as Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) that run on EC2 instances. Once you've built an AMI, you use Terraform to deploy it into AWS.

How to navigate the Service Catalog

The code in the terraform-aws-service-catalog repo is organized into three primary folders:

  1. modules: The core implementation code of this repo. All the services that you will use and deploy are defined within, such as the EKS cluster service in modules/services/eks-cluster.

  2. examples: Sample code that shows how to use the services in the modules folder and allows you to try the services out without having to write any code: you cd into one of the folders, follow a few steps in the README (e.g., run terraform apply), and you'll have fully working infrastructure up and running. In other words, this is executable documentation. Note that the examples folder contains two sub-folders:

    1. for-learning-and-testing: Example code that is optimized for learning, experimenting, and testing, but not direct production usage). Most of these examples use Terraform directly to make it easy to fill in dependencies that are convenient for testing, but not necessarily those you'd use in production: e.g., default VPCs or mock database URLs.

    2. for-production: Example code optimized for direct usage in production. This is code from the Gruntwork Reference Architecture, and it shows you how we build an end-to-end, integrated tech stack on top of the Gruntwork Service Catalog. To keep the code DRY and manage dependencies between modules, the code is deployed using Terragrunt. However, Terragrunt is NOT required to use the Gruntwork Service Catalog: you can alternatively use vanilla Terraform or Terraform Cloud / Enterprise, as described later in these docs.

  3. test: Automated tests for the code in modules and examples.

Maintenance and versioning

All of the code in the Gruntwork Service Catalog is versioned. The Service Catalog is commercially maintained by Gruntwork, and every time we make a change, we put out a new versioned release, and announce it in the monthly Gruntwork Newsletter.

We use version numbers of the form MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH (e.g., 1.2.3), following the principles of semantic versioning. In traditional semantic versioning, you increment the:

  1. MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
  2. MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
  3. PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.

However, much of the Gruntwork Service Catalog is built on Terraform, and as Terraform is still not at version 1.0.0, the code in the Service Catalog is is using 0.MINOR.PATCH version numbers. With 0.MINOR.PATCH, the rules are a bit different, where you increment the:

  1. MINOR version when you make incompatible API changes
  2. PATCH version when you add backwards compatible functionality or bug fixes.

We try to minimize backwards incompatible changes, but when we have to make one, we bump the MINOR version number, and include migration instructions in the release notes. Makes sure to ALWAYS read the release notes and migration instructions (if any) to avoid errors and outages!